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Products Information


Optical lens basics (I)

Optical lens is an indispensable component in the machine vision system.  It directly affects the quality of the imaging. It affects the implementation and effect of […]

What happens when you focus lenses from infinity to shorter distances?

To focus on shorter distances, s-mount lenses have to be “unscrewed” . On first glance this seems to be very different from larger Lenses like C- […]

What’s the relationship between the main features of a lens?

We describe here the (yes, complicated) relationships between : Focal Length F-Number (=F#) Entry Pupil Exit Pupil Viewing Angle Chief Ray Angle Image Circle Object side […]

About the Sense and Nonsense of Resolution

Resolution What is it in general? Resolution describes in general the ability of a “system” to provide “details”. Systems can be anything, a thermometer , a […]

Why Megapixel? Lenses don’t have a Pixel-Structure after all!

Some centuries ago, people noticed with some surprise, that in a dark room sometimes an (upside down) image of the environment is projected across a small […]

Can I increase the DOF by changing the focal length, if FOV and brightness are constant?

Per DefinitionDOF := Far Point – Near Point. The formulas for these are really complicated and contain several times the focal length. Surprisingly, despite the formulas […]

Little siblings: s-Mount lenses as replacement for c-mount lenses

If we want to replace c-mount lenses by s-mount lenses it begs the question …Can s-mount Lenses replace c-mount lenses in general? Of course lenses should […]

Comparison: c-mount lenses vs. s-mount lenses (M12x0.5)

Feature c-mount s-mount (M12x0.5) Standardization + – Thread 1″ 32 TPI M12x0.5 Size o ++ manual iris + generally not IR-Cut filter in camera in general […]
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